Producer - I
Mohammed Mujahid Ali
Mohammed Mujahid Ali is presently working as Producer-I at Instructional Media Centre, MANUU, he was also Incharge Instructional Media Centre from 11th January 2015 to 29th December 2016. He was entrusted with the duties of Director as and when Director proceeds on tour or leave. Equipped with triple disciplined Master degrees in Mass Communication and Journalism, Public Personal Management and Urdu Literature. Mohammed Mujahid Ali has 23 years of work experience in the field of electronic media with special emphasis on Television production. Mujahid started his career during 1994 at Doordarshan Hyderabad. He was entrusted with Urdu News and programme production. He has independently produced Urdu, English, Telugu and Kashmir News bulletins apart from constituency profiles of parliament and assembly elections held during 1994 and 2007. He also worked for live productions of Independence day and Republic day parades, International and National Film festivals, Afro-Asian games, convocations of MANUU, Mushairas, Kavi Sammelans, Aids awareness programmes. The Govt of A.P Felicitated and issued appreciation letter on successful completion of 200 episodes of Dial your Chief Minister programme on the occasion of 56th Independence day during 2003.
Mujahid Ali joined MANUU during 2007 and produced educational programmes, documentaries , interviews of eminent literatures of urdu language literature and culture. He was syllabus committee member and guest faculty (2006-2008) for the course of PG Diploma in Mass Communication and Translation techniques in Urdu offered by Central University of Hyderabad. He has participated in a National Seminar on “Open Distance Learning – Learner Support Services – Role of Media and presented Research Paper on “Production of Educational programmes in Urdu Medium-Some Challenges” organised by Dr. B.R Ambedkar University, Hyderabad.
He was deputed to department of Mass Communication and Journalism (MANUU) to take classes for the course of P.G Diploma during 2012-2013 in additional to his normal duties at Instructional Media Centre. He is Academic councillor for the course Diploma in Mass communication and Journalism offered by MANUU at Siasat study centre since 2010 onwards. He was coordinator for the five day workshop on “Script writing for Audio/Video programmes organised by IMC, MANUU during 2007.